East African Community Communication Policy and Strategy
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East African Community
While the EAC integration has progressed over the years, many stakeholders and the general public have not been as well informed of the significance or implications for them as businesses, organizations, or individuals. As observed by many private and public officials that were interviewed across the region in the course of formulating this document, this lack of awareness has often lead to a mismatch between public expectations and the actual EAC policies and their implementation
on the ground.
Many EAC citizens and organizations are yet to fully appreciate the opportunities that EAC integration represents. Effective communication will therefore be critical in managing expectations while fostering the participation of various stakeholders in the integration process. This calls for a clear communication policy and a communication strategy that will keep the various stakeholders well-informed about the policies and activities of the East African Community (EAC) and their role in the integration process.
This document outlines both the communication policy and the communication strategy for the EAC. On the one hand the EAC Communication Policy aims at providing the necessary guidelines that will inform the overall direction for the various Organs and Institutions of the EAC in regard to communication.
On the other hand, the EAC Communication Strategy seeksto spell outspecific activitiesthat the community will undertake to promote awareness and therefore foster broad participation by various stakeholders in the integration process.
Strategic Plan
East African Community. (2014). EAst African Community Communication Policy and Strategy. East African Community