Lugya, Fredrick KiwuwaBusitema University2024-06-132024-06-132024Lugya, F. K. & Busitema University. (2024). Unit 0: Introduction to interoperability and retrieval. Busitema University. materialsThis module focuses on interoperability issues, resource description and also the information retrieval in the context of open access resources. In the context of web-enabled information retrieval, interoperability between one system to other offers great advantages to the users for obvious reasons. The interoperability demands adherence to standards and compatibility in the resource organization and retrieval features of the information resource systems. In the context of web-enabled information system, content development is the prime activity which encompasses resource description, incorporation of retrieval features etc. for retrieving information and development of various services including push services.enUnit 0: Introduction to interoperability and retrieval.Other