Resource Optimization


Recent Submissions

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    Unit 2: Content management in open access context.
    (Busitema University., 2024) Lugya, Fredrick Kiwuwa; Busitema University
    A typical content management system is a computerized system that manages submission, publication, modification and retrieval of digital contents in different forms and formats from a central managerial interface. Advanced content management system also controls different workflows right from submission to withdrawal in a participative and collaborative environment. An open access (OA) content management system is essentially Web content management system responsible to create, manage, store and deploy open knowledge objects in the forms of text, embedded graphics, photos, video, audio, and research datasets with an aim to support end user retrieval and participation. OA content management system has additional responsibilities to manage copyright and other legalities, retention of authors' rights, privileges control (who submits/access what), version control, preservation, format management for bit streams, purging control (withdrawal of metadata/items), and embargo control.
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    Unit 1: Open access mandates and polices.
    (Busitema University., 2024) Lugya, Fredrick Kiwuwa; Busitema University
    The objective of this unit is to portrait a clear picture of Open Access Mandates/Policies and related issues. The recommendations widely adopted by the open access movement may be summarized as ‘deposit immediately, and make open access as soon as legally possible’. This is an excellent piece of advice for any university or funding agency which is considering adopting a mandatory OA policy.
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    Unit 0: Introduction to resource optimization.
    (Busitema University., 2024) Lugya, Fredrick Kiwuwa; Busitema University
    This module focuses on how the open access environment can be promoted and how the collection development may be facilitated by integrating open access resources with institutional and library resources.