Acts of the Community

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    Guideline for applicants intending to use the EAC mutual recognition procedure for registering veterinary medicines
    (EAC Secretariat, 2018) East African Community
    This document is intended as guidance for applicants intending to apply for registration of veterinary medicinal products in the East African Community (EAC) through Mutual Recognition Procedures (MRP). Initially, the Mutual Recognition Procedure will be available for applicants to use when registering immunological veterinary products (IVPs) since this is the first group of veterinary medicines for which a harmonised process has been developed in the EAC. The basis for this harmonised approach is the availability of harmonised technical documents developed through a consultative approach by a Technical Working Group (TWG). This group was established in 2012 with support from GALVmed and AU-PANVAC. It comprises experts from the Regulatory Authorities in Partner States of the EAC.
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    EAC gender inclusive regional seed potato strategy and action plan (2022-2032)
    (East African Community, 2022-03) East African Community
    The East African Community (EAC) brings together six Partner States, namely: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Sudan and Uganda. Re-established in 1999, the EAC is one of the fastest growing regional economic blocs and home to 177 million citizens, of which over 22% is urban population. Through its 5th EAC Development Strategy the EAC aims to build a firm foundation for transforming the East African Community into a stable, competitive and sustainable lower-middle income region. The strategy also identifies enhancement of regional industrial development through investment in key priority sectors, improvement of agricultural productivity, value addition and facilitation of movement of agricultural goods to enhance food security in the region. The Food and Nutrition Security Strategy provides a basis for a unified approach to implementation, coordination and monitoring of the food and nutrition security programs at the national and regional level. The strategy is anchored on three interrelated objectives namely: (i) improving sustainable and inclusive agricultural production; (ii) strengthening resilience among households, communities and livelihood systems; and (iii) improving access to and utilization of nutritious, diverse and safe foods.
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    EAC fruits and vegetables policy brief
    (EAC Secretariat, 2022) East African Community
    This policy brief highlights key recommendations for further support to the sector, which were derived from National Coordination Committee meetings in all EAC Partner States as well as the Regional Steering Committee Meeting with all National Focal Persons.
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    Documentation of best youth agribusiness models in East African Community partner states
    (FAO/EAC, 2018) FAO
    The youth labour force in Sub-Sahara Africa is estimated at about 70%, higher than the global average which is estimated at about 63%. This youthful population is growing and expected to double to over 830 million by 2050. In Eastern Africa, youth represents about 45% of the region’s total population. If properly harnessed, this demographic dividend of the working age population could support increased productivity, ensure food security, strengthen inclusive economic growth, and address the high level of unemployed youth by engaging them in the agricultural sector. The net outcome would result to reducing distress rural/urban youth migration. Unfortunately, one-third of estimated 420 million youth aged 15-35 are unemployed. Apart from addressing the problem of youth unemployment, the continent is challenged to address increasing underemployment, thus the double-edged challenge of youth unemployment and underemployment. In the absence of social safety nets, young people are forced to take low-wage jobs to secure their very survival. Many of the disadvantaged youth in Eastern Africa live in rural communities. Weak economic opportunities in rural areas, makes it difficult for rural youth to secure decent and productive employment, hence the need to create viable economic opportunities to engage rural youth. The current estimated youth bulge offers an unprecedented opportunity for governments and development partners to harness this energy and provide incentives to motivate and support innovative rural development ideas that would bolster economic development and social change. For rural youth, creating an alternative in the agricultural sector can present a viable opportunity to earn decent and productive job and improve rural development option.
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    The East African Community Appropriation Act, 2017
    (Ugand Printing and Publishing Corporation, 2020) East African Community
    An Act to make appropriation out of the East African Community Budget to the service of the financial year ending 30th June, 2018.
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    The East African Trade Negotaitions Act, 2008
    (EALA/EAC, 2008) East African Legislative Assembly
    An Act to make provision for an East African Trade Commission, the development of an East African Trade Regime, to provide for Joint Trade Negotiations and other related matters
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    The Laws of the Community (Interpretation) Act, 2004
    (East African Legislative Assembly, 2004) East African Community
    An Act of the Community to make provision in regard to the construction and interpretation of any enactment of the Community, and to make certain general provisions with regard to such law and for other like purposes.
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    The East African Community Competition Act, 2006
    (The Government Printer, Dar es Salaam, 2006) East African Community
    An Act of the Community to promote and protect fair competition in the Community, to provide for consumer welfare, to establish the East African Community Competition Authority, and for related matters
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    The East African Community Vehicle Load Control Act, 2016
    (Ugand Printing and Publishing Corporation, 2016) East African Community
    An Act of the Community to make provision for the control of vehicle loads, harmonized enforcement, institutional arrangements for the Regional Trunk Road Network within the Community and to provide for other related matters.
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    The East African Community Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency Act, 2009
    (East African Community, 2009) East African Community
    An Act of the Community to establish the East African Community Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency and to provide for other related matters.
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    The East African Community Appropriation Act, 2013
    (Ugand Printing and Publishing Corporation, 2013) East African Community
    An Act to make appropriation out of the East African Community Budget to the service of the financial year ending 30th June, 2012.
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    The East African Community Appropriation Act, 2006
    (East African Legislative Assembly, 2006) East African Community
    An Act to make appropriation out of the East African Community Budget to the service of the financial year ending 30th June, 2006.
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    The East African Community Appropriation Act, 2007
    (East African Community, 2007) East African Community
    An Act to make appropriation out of the East African Community Budget to the service of the financial year ending 30th June, 2007.
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    The East African Community Appropriation Act, 2019
    (East African Community, 2019) East African Community
    An Act to make appropriation out of the East African Community Budget to the service of the financial year ending 30th June, 2016.
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    The East African Community Appropriation Act, 2004
    (East African Community, 2004) East African Community
    An Act to apply a sum of United States Dollars eight million four hundred eighty-two thousand two hundred and seventy and one out of the Budget of the East African Community to meet the expenditure of the Community for the year ending on the 30th June, 2004 and to appropriate the supplies granted.
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    The East African Community Appropriation Act, 2005.
    (East African Community, 2005) East African Community
    An Act to apply a sum of United States Dollars Bye million two hundred forty-nine thousand three hundred and one out of the Budget of the East African Community to meet the expenditure of the Community for the year ending on the 30th June, 2005 and to appropriate the supplies granted.
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    The Community Emblems Act, 2003
    (East African Community, 2004) East African Community
    An Act of the Community to provide for Emblems of the Community, use and protection against disrespect and misuse.
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    The Administration of the East African Legislative Assembly Act, 2012
    (East African Community, 2012) East African Community
    An act of the Community to make provision for the establishment of a Commission for the administration of the Assembly and for other related purposes.
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    The Acts of the East African Community Act, 2004
    (East African Community, 2004) East African Community
    An Act to provide for the form and Commencement of Acts of the East African Community, for the Procedure following Bills passing and other related matters.
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    The Lake Victoria Transport Act, 2008
    (Ugand Printing and Publishing Corporation, 2008) East African Community
    An Act of the Community to make provision for the Commission to regulate maritime safety and security, to make provision for the construction, survey, registration and licensing of all vessels used on the Lake, for the safety of passengers and cargo, for the competency of masters and crew and for other related matters.